
Confidant comes with a number of maintenance scripts that can be used by admins to handle special maintenance tasks. It’s recommended that prior to running these scripts, that Confidant be put into maintenance mode using the MAINTENANCE_MODE configuration option, or by using the touch file defined by the MAINTENANCE_MODE_TOUCH_FILE configuration option.

Permanantly archiving disabled credentials to a separate DynamoDB table

By design, confidant never deletes data. You may have a need to permanantly archive credentials (and revisions of that credential) out of your primary dynamodb table, so that end-users can no longer access them through the API.

Confidant includes a maintenance script to archive credentials:

$ python archive_credentials --help
usage: archive_credentials [-?] [--days DAYS] [--force] [--ids IDS]

Command to permanently archive credentials to an archive dynamodb table.

optional arguments:
  -?, --help   show this help message and exit
  --days DAYS  Permanently archive disabled credentials last modified greater
               than this many days (mutually exclusive with --ids)
  --force      By default, this script runs in dry-run mode, this option
               forces the run and makes the changes indicated by the dry run
  --ids IDS    Archive a comma separated list of credential IDs. (mutually
               exclusive with --days)

To use this, you must have the DYNAMODB_TABLE_ARCHIVE configuration set, the table it points at must be created, and IAM settings must be updated to allow confidant access to this table.

Confidant also has some sanity checks here:

  1. The script will not permanently archive a credential if it’s currently mapped to a service.

  2. The script will not permanently archive a credential if it’s still enabled.

Restoring archived credentials back into the primary DynamoDB table

If you’ve permanently archived a credential, and realise you want it back, (along with all of its revisions) you can use the restore_credentials maintenance script:

$ python restore_credentials --help
usage: restore_credentials [-?] [--force] [--ids IDS] [--all]

Command to restore credentials from the permanent archive dynamodb table back
into the primary storage table.

optional arguments:
  -?, --help  show this help message and exit
  --force     By default, this script runs in dry-run mode, this option forces
              the run and makes the changes indicated by the dry run
  --ids IDS   Restore a comma separated list of credential IDs. (mutually
              exclusive with --days)
  --all       Restore all credentials from the permanent archive dynamodb
              table back into the primary store table.

The script will skip any records that already exist in the primary table.