
7.0.0 Archiving Announcement

  • Archive the OSS


  • XSS security fix / enhancement for Flask API response


  • Upgrade confidant to python 3.10.14


  • Migrated to docker compose v2


  • Updated client with a new logo and updated CSS to match design style guide. The new CSS coloring should be more consistent across the client, and should have higher contrast.


  • Added support for keeping track of when credentials should be rotated. Three new fields have been added to the Credential model:

    • tags: tags are a set of strings that can be used to categorize a credential. For instance “ADMIN_PRIV” or “EXEMPT_FROM_ROTATION” could be potential tags. We choose to have a list of tags rather than a single string because some credentials might fall into multiple categories

    • last_decrypted_date: last_decrypted_date explicitly stores when someone viewed a credential. Certain credentials can potentially be highly vulnerable and could benefit from being rotated the moment the credential pair is viewed.

    • last_rotation_date: last_rotation_date stores when a credential was last rotated. Some credentials might need to periodically be rotated for security purposes.

    There is also additional logic for calculating when a credential should next be rotated given its previous rotation history. This logic lives as the next_rotation_date property on the Credential object and is not persisted into the DB layer. To use this logic:

    1. Set an env variable MAXIMUM_ROTATION_DAYS which determines how the maximum amount of time before a credential should be rotated. By default, MAXIMUM_ROTATION_DAYS is 0 so people using this feature must explicitly set it.

    2. Set an env variable ROTATION_DAYS_CONFIG which is a JSON serialized string. This is just a key value config where the key represents a tag (eg: “ADMIN_PRIV”) and the value represents the number of days that keys with this tag should be rotated. For instance, we could have a ROTATION_DAYS_CONFIG that looks something like ‘{“ADMIN_PRIV”: 30, “FINANCIAL_DATA”: 10}’

  • Add a metadata_only param to GET /v1/credentials/<ID>. For instance, if the request is GET /v1/credentials/123?metadata_only=true, the response will not contain the credential pairs. metadata_only defaults to false so that it is backwards compatible. The purpose of this is to give users finer controls when deciding whether to send back credential_pairs.

  • Automatically update the last_decrypted_date on a credential when the credential_pairs are sent back to the client. Sending credential_pairs to the client implies that a credential has been decrypted and is likely to have been read by a human. This is also an OPT IN change. An environment variable ENABLE_SAVE_LAST_DECRYPTION_TIME must be set to true in order to update last_decrypted_date.

  • Added config/gunicorn.conf and config/logging.conf files, which can be used to enable structured json logs for logging output.

  • Updated the docker-compose setup to have a fully functional production-like environment, with local dynamodb, local kms, and a local simplesamlphp IDP. The developer environment also has a configuration for the PKI, which will generate self-signed certificates.

  • Fix for issue with HISTORY_PAGE_LIMIT, where when unset, the client would not load any history. If HISTORY_PAGE_LIMIT is now unset, it will correctly use the default behavior of not paging.


  • This release fixes a python3 stacktrace in SAML auth, when using the SAML_SP_KEY_FILE setting.


  • This release adds support for confidant acting as a Certificate Authority, using AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority. Four new endpoints have been added:

    • GET /v1/certificates/<ca>/<cn>: Have confidant generate a private key, a CSR, and have it issue a certificate against the provided CA, with the provided CN. A list of SANs can be provided via arguments: ?san=<domain>&san=<domain> The validity in number of days can be provided via arguments: ?validity=120 The maximum validity is controlled server side via a configuration setting.

    • POST /v1/certificates/<ca>: Generate a private key and CSR from the client side, and have confidate issue a certificate against the provided CA. SAN and validity can be set via a json post body: {"san": ["domain", "domain"], "validity": 120}

    • GET /v1/cas: Get a list of configured CAs, their certificate and certificate chains, and a dictionary of key/value tags set on the CA in AWS.

    • GET /v1/cas/<ca>: Get the certificate, certificate chain, and a dict of tags set on the CA in AWS.

    The implementation supports multiple CAs. For configuration information, see the certificate authority settings section in the docs.


  • This release is a breaking release. This release slightly changes the API responses. Though the changes should be backwards incompatible, we’re now explicitly returning all fields in returns, rather than not including fields that have nil values in the json. Clients that expect fields to not exist could be affected by this change. The offical python client has been tested against these changes, but there’s a number of unofficial libraries that you will want to test, if you’re using one of them.

  • DEPRECATION NOTICE: This will be the last confidant release that will support python2.

  • DEPRECATION NOTICE: This will be the last confidant release that will support blind credentials. If you’re using blind credentials, we recommend switching to standard credentials, and protecting access to them using the new access control (ACL) support hooks to provide fine-grained access control.

  • Confidant is now python3 compatible, and tested against python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. If you see any python3 related issues, please open an issue.

  • Confidant now includes an access control plugin framework, with a default plugin, confidant.authnz.rbac:default_acl, which implements the existing access control behavior of confidant. The ACL_MODULE setting can be used to define your own ACL behavior; see the ACL docs for information about how to apply fine-grained access controls to specific resources and actions.

  • kmsauth was upgraded with a more efficient LRU implementation, which allows for higher concurrency.

  • The frontend and backend have been refactored to only provide sensitive data where necessary. For example, previously, when viewing a service, the credentials for that service were included in the response. Now when the frontend fetches a service, it only fetches credential metadata that it uses for display purposes. Similarly, the history view no longer fetches or displays sensitive information. These changes were made to support fine-grained access controls.

  • The resources and history view list panels no longer combine resources in the view, but include a resource type toggle, to make it easier to find resources.

  • The history backend endpoints that list resources now support paged results. Future releases will expand this to all endpoints that list resources. Default behavior for these endpoints is to not page results. Clients can limit the page size via an argument. It’s also possible to force paging for these via the HISTORY_PAGE_LIMIT setting.

  • New backend endpoints have been added to support reverting credential and service resources, rather than needing to do an edit of resources, with all fields. This was in support of adding fine-grained access controls, but also makes reverting resources trivial from the client side.

  • GET /v1/services/<id> now supports a metadata_only=[True|False] argument which can be used to only include metadata in the response.

  • Permissions hints are included in the response of resource endpoints, to allow the UI (and other clients) to adjust their behavior based on permissions available.

  • More detailed audit logs have been added for user actions, such as get/update credential, and get/update service.

  • Google OAuth support has been updated to work with the new Google Sign-In APIs, rather than the older Google+ Sign-In APIs.


  • Python3 fix in function load_private_key_pem in confidant.lib.cryptolib


  • Python3 fix in class CipherManager in confidant.ciphermanager


  • Packaging fixes for docker


  • This is a breaking release. This release slightly changes the values needed for the AUTH_KEY, USER_AUTH_KEY, and KMS_MASTER_KEY settings. The previous way these settings were set were to use the alias name, without an alias/ prefix. In this release we switched to using the kmsauth library for kms authentication support, which supports aliases and ARNs for keys, which means that for these three settings, it’s necessary to add an alias/ prefix to the value. So, for example, if your setting was my-auth-key, the new value would be alias/my-auth-key. Though this change of behavior was limited to kmsauth, for consistency we also changed KMS_MASTER_KEY to use the same behavior. For all three settings, it’s also now possible to use ARNs as values, instead of just key aliases.

  • confidant now supports python2 and python3.

  • Requirements have been updated to resolve some reported security vulnerabilities in a few of the frozen requirements. A library affecting user sessions was upgraded which will cause users to be logged out after upgrade, which means if you’re doing a rolling upgrade, that during the upgrade, you may have users that seemingly randomly get logged out. After a finished upgrade, users should only be logged out once, if they’re currently logged in.


  • Use dict and set in pynamo models rather than {} and set(), to avoid potential corrupted data in model saves. Based on how confidant currently uses the pynamo models, the default arguments can’t lead to data corruption, but to avoid potential future issues, we’re fixing the default args to not be mutable.


  • Packaging fix


  • Case insentive sort for service and credential list API responses


  • Don’t in-memory cache the USERS_FILE, but re-read it every time, so that the confidant process doesn’t need to restarted whenever this file changes.


  • Switch from python-saml to python3-saml.


  • This is a breaking release. This change upgrades the LegacyBooleanAttributes to BooleanAttributes, which saves data in a new format. Once you upgrade to this version, you must run the migrate_bool_attribute maintenance script immediately after upgrading, which will convert all old data into the new format and prevent further issues with Pynamo upgrades.


  • This is a breaking release, if you’re using blind credentials. This change upgrades to using pynamodb 3.2.1. If you’re using blind credentials, it’s necessary to first upgrade to confidant 2.0.0, run the migrate_set_attribute maintenance script, then upgrade to this version. This is due to a breaking change in pynamodb itself, which requires using specific versions of pynamodb to migrate the underlying data.


  • Added additional logging in the v1 routes.

  • Updated the migration script to include both Service and BlindCredential migrations, as well as checks to ensure the migration was successful.


WARNING: If you upgrade to this version, any new writes to blind credentials will be in a format that is only compatible in 1.11.0 forward. If you’ve upgraded and need to downgrade, you should downgrade to 1.11.0. This is only a concern if you’re using blind credentials. If you’re using blind credentials, see the upgrade instructions for more detailed information about this breaking change.

  • Added support for a maintenance mode, which will disable all writes to confidant via the API. This allows you to put confidant into a maintenance mode which will let you do maintenance actions via scripts, but will disallow all write actions via the API while you’re performing the maintenance. This is useful for data migrations, or during periods where you want to ensure no confidant changes are being made. See the docs for MAINTENANCE_MODE and MAINTENANCE_MODE_TOUCH_FILE settings.

  • Upgraded pynamodb to 2.2.0, to support migration of UnicodeSetAttribute for blind credentials in DynamoDB.

  • Changed dynamo models to use LegacyBooleanAttribute, to allow for backwards compatibility for the data models. In a future version we’ll require a migration for dynamo data to the new BooleanAttribute format used in PynamoDB.


  • Upgrade PynamoDB requirement to 1.5.4


  • Fix an issue in the angularjs frontend where credential values were having whitespace trimmed.


  • Upgrade gevent and greenlet for CVE-2016-5180 and gevent/gevent#477


  • piptools upgrade of transitive dependencies. Most notably this was run to upgrade gunicorn to 19.7.1, which allows for using FORWARDED_ALLOW_IPS in the environment, as well as any other newer gunicorn settings.


  • Switch LRU for in-memory cache from an inefficient python implementation to lru-dict.


  • Update appdirs requirement


  • Update python-saml for CVE-2016-1000252.


  • Fix


  • Added a feature to disable the credential conflict checks; see configuration docs for IGNORE_CONFLICTS


  • Added support for sending basic webhooks; see configuration docs for WEBHOOK_URL


  • Update statsd depencency from 3.1 to 3.2.1


  • Switch to doing semver in a more proper way. Though generally all previous releases were backwards compatible, we had been releasing features in point releases rather than minor releases. Going forward, breaking changes will be in major releases, features in minor releases, and bugfixes in point releases. When dependencies are updated we’ll consider the impact of the dependency update to determine the semver release

  • Made the XSRF cookie name configurable. See the configuration docs for how to changet he XSRF cookie name.


  • Move scripts into the confidant module to be able to use the scripts when pip installed


  • Added changes and settings for better performance in confidant. See the performance section in the configuration docs


  • Important change: the location of the has moved inside of the confidant module to make the pypi package runnable. This changes the gunicorn invocation from gunicorn wsgi:app -k gevent to gunicorn confidant.wsgi:app -k gevent

1.1.16 - 1.1.18

  • Getting the pypi package into a working state


  • Split the client away from the confidant repo


  • Security fix: While preparing for the 1.1 stable release Lyft found a KMS authentication vulnerability in the unreleased 1.1 branch while performing an audit of the code. The vulnerability was introduced while adding the scoped auth key feature (for limiting authentication keys and services to specific AWS accounts), where the key was not properly checked after decryption. This check is an additional verification to add additional safety on-top of the IAM policy of your KMS keys. If IAM policy allows users to use KMS keys without limits on encryption context, a KMS key that wasn’t intended to be used for auth, could be used for auth.


versions 1.1.0 - 1.1.12 were pre-release versions of the 1.1 branch. The versions were generally increased for changes to the client, during internal updates at Lyft. Since 1.1.13 is the first release, we’ll be tracking changes in the changelog from this point on. Future releases will track all changes, even in unreleased branches.

  • Security fix: We discovered when adding tests after a refactor of some of the KMS authentication code that confidant wasn’t properly checking the expiration of KMS auth tokens. If tokens were able to be exfiltrated from a service, they could be used indefinitely. This has now been fixed, and any tokens that are expired will now correctly fail to authenticate.

  • Feature: Server-blinded secret support (called blind credentials in code and interface). A new type of secret that confidant simply stores, assuming it’s been encrypted prior to being passed in. Makes it possible to have credentials mapped to services where only the service has the ability to decrypt the secret.

  • Refactor: The user authentication code went through a refactor to be abstract and support multiple forms of authentication in a configurable way. The authentication flow for users has also changed along with this refactor. There’s now a proper login/logout flow, and users will be presented with an interface before they’re required to authenticate. When a user’s session has expired, they’ll be redirected to a loggedout page.

  • Feature: SAML authentication support for user authentication.

  • New python dependencies (for SAML): python-saml

  • New system dependencies (for SAML): libxml2-dev libxmlsec1-dev

  • Feature: Header authentication support for user authentication.

  • Feature (and new default): Added support for secure cookies for session management. This removes the dependency on redis. New settings were added to control the lifetime of secure cookie sessions.

  • Feature: Extensible metadata for secrets and blind secrets.

  • Feature: AWS account scoping for services. If you’re using multiple AWS accounts, it’s possible to limit access to services from specific accounts by using multiple KMS keys for KMS authentication.

  • Feature: A new version of KMS auth (version 2). The new version of KMS auth can allow service-to-service authentication, or user-to-service authentication. It’s possible to use the same authentication key for both service-to-service authentication and user-to-service authentication, but it’s recommended to make a new KMS key specific to user authentication, unless care is taken with IAM policy and your KMS auth key grants are updated to require KMS auth v2 (a maintenance script is included with this purpose). By default confidant will only allow service-to-service authentication.

  • Feature: Added a config setting to disable KMS auth key grant management. If you prefer to manage your KMS auth via IAM policy rather than grants, this option will ensure that no grants are added to your keys. A maintenance script is included to purge any grants that may already exist on your key.

  • Feature: Added an opinionated confidant client.

  • Feature: Add a formatter for get_service output, with a few export formats (combined credential pair output, bash variable export format, etc).

  • Feature: Added a REST endpoint to provide configuration information to clients, to help them configure themselves. It’s also possible to add a set of custom configuration to be sent to clients along with the server generated config, via the CLIENT_CONFIG setting.

  • Feature: Added a setting, SECRETS_BOOTSTRAP, that can either be a base64 encoded, KMS encrypted, YAML dict, or a file path that contains the base64 encoded, KMS encrypted, YAML dict. A maintenance script is included that will let you generate the encrypted and encoded form of this dict from a yaml file. All of confidant’s sensitive settings can be loaded from this bootstrap data, allowing you to bootstrap confidant’s own secrets.

  • Feature: A new setting, DYNAMODB_CREATE_TABLE, has been added to allow confidant to create its own dynamodb table, if it doesn’t exist yet.

  • Feature: Automatic secret generation for credential pairs from angular UI.

  • Fix: performance fixes for angularjs (disabling some debugging features and ignoring grants when grants are disabled).