omnibot.routes package


omnibot.routes.api module

API module for omnibot, to handle events from slack, or to handle service-to-service calls.

Endpoints in this module may be access controlled through the authorization configuration; see documentation on checks:

  • omnibot.authnz:enforce_checks()

omnibot.routes.api.get_bot_ims(team_name, bot_name)

Returns list of IMs (DMs with a bot), for the provided bot_name and team_name.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/slack/get_ims/myteam/mybot

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

             "id": 'D1234567',
             "created": 1518129625,
             "is_im": true,
             "is_org_shared": true,
             "user": "U1234567"
             "is_user_deleted": false,
             "priority": 0.01234567
  • team_name (str) – The team to search for this user, as configured in omnibot.

  • bot_name (str) – The bot to use for the request, as configured in omnibot.

omnibot.routes.api.get_channel_by_name(team_name, bot_name, channel_name)

Returns a channel object from slack, for the provided channel_name in the team_name using the specified bot_name.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/slack/get_channel/myteam/mybot/general HTTP/1.1

Example response:

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: application/json

   "channel": {
     "id": "C4VQ6NUNN",
     "name": "general",
     "is_channel": true,
     "created": 1491515285,
     "creator": "U4WF56QGP",
     "is_archived": false,
     "is_general": true,
     "unlinked": 0,
     "name_normalized": "general",
     "is_shared": false,
     "is_org_shared": false,
     "is_member": false,
     "is_private": false,
     "is_mpim": false,
     "members": [
     "topic": {
       "value": "test123",
       "creator": "U6J3LTKSQ",
       "last_set": 1507156612
     "purpose": {
       "value": "This channel is for team-wide communication.",
       "creator": "",
       "last_set": 0
     "previous_names": [],
     "num_members": 9
  • team_name (str) – The team to search for this channel, as configured in omnibot.

  • bot_name (str) – The bot to use for the request, as configured in omnibot.

  • channel_name (str) – The name of the channel to get.

Reqheader x-envoy-internal

Header that indicates whether or not this request is coming from an internal service or not. This is auto-set by envoy and doesn’t need to be explicitly set.

Resheader Content-Type


Statuscode 200


Statuscode 404

channel with specified channel_name could not be found in the specified team using the specified bot.


Get a team_id, from its team_name.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/slack/get_team/myteam HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"team_id": "T123456"}

team_name (str) – The team to search for this user, as configured in omnibot.

Reqheader x-envoy-internal

Header that indicates whether or not this request is coming from an internal service or not. This is auto-set by envoy and doesn’t need to be explicitly set.

Resheader Content-Type


Statuscode 200


Statuscode 404

team is not configured

omnibot.routes.api.get_user_v2(team_name, bot_name, email)

Returns basic user information, for the provided email in the team_name using the specified bot_name.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/slack/get_user/myteam/mybot/ HTTP/1.1

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"email": "", "name": "Test User", "team_id": "T123456",
 "user_id": "U123ABC"}
  • team_name (str) – The team to search for this user, as configured in omnibot.

  • bot_name (str) – The bot to use for the request, as configured in omnibot.

  • email (str) – The email address of the user to get.

Reqheader x-envoy-internal

Header that indicates whether or not this request is coming from an internal service or not. This is auto-set by envoy and doesn’t need to be explicitly set.

Resheader Content-Type


Statuscode 200


Statuscode 404

user with specified email could not be found using the specified bot.

omnibot.routes.api.instrument_event(bot, event)
omnibot.routes.api.queue_event(bot, event, event_type)
omnibot.routes.api.send_bot_im(team_name, bot_name, email)

Sends a message as a bot user to an IM (direct message) channel between a team member and a bot user, for the provided team_name, bot_name, and email.

Example request:

GET /api/v1/slack/send_im/myteam/mybot/

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

     "channel": "DC1234567",
     "message": {
         "bot_id": "BC1234567",
         "subtype": "bot_message",
         "text": "HI!",
         "ts": "1538593287.000100",
         "type": "message",
         "username": "mybot"
     "ok": true,
     "ts": "1538593287.000100"
  • team_name (str) – The team to search for the given bot, as configured in omnibot.

  • bot_name (str) – The bot sending the IM to the user, as configured in omnibot.

  • email (str) – The email address of user to send message to

Resheader Content-Type


Statuscode 200


Statuscode 400

slack call returned a non-OK status

Statuscode 404

team, bot, IM unable to be found, or user deleted from slack team

omnibot.routes.api.slack_action_v2(team_name, bot_name)

Perform an action against slack, as the provided bot_name in the provided team_name.

Example request:

POST /api/v1/slack/action/myteam/mybot HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "action": "chat.postMessage",
  "kwargs": {
    "channel": "test-omnibot",
    "text": "@example see #general and use @here",
    "as_user": true,
    "omnibot_parse": {
      "text": ["channels", "users", "specials"]
<json string action

slack api action to perform. example: chat.postMessage

<json dict kwargs

keyword arguments you’d pass into the associated slack api action. example: “text”: “@example see #general and use @here”

<json dict omnibot_parse

The keyword argument you’d like omnibot to parse, with a list of things to parse. example: {“text”: [“channels”, “users”, “specials”]}

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "channel": "C12345",
  "message": {
    "bot_id": "B456123",
    "subtype": "bot_message",
    "text": "<@UABC123|example> see <#C12345|general> and use <!here|here>",
    "ts": "1523557397.000335",
    "type": "message",
    "username": "mybot"
  "ok": true,
  "ts": "1523557397.000335"
  • team_name (str) – The team to perform this action against, as configured in omnibot.

  • bot_name (str) – The bot to use for the request, as configured in omnibot.

Reqheader x-envoy-internal

Header that indicates whether or not this request is coming from an internal service or not. This is auto-set by envoy and doesn’t need to be explicitly set.

Resheader Content-Type


Statuscode 200


Statuscode 400

slack call returned a non-OK status


Handle event subscription API webhooks from slack.


Module contents