# Cartography operations guide This document contains tips for running Cartography in production. ## Maintaining a up-to-date picture of your infrastructure Running `cartography` ensures that your Neo4j instance contains the most recent snapshot of your infrastructure. Here's how that process works. ### Update tags Each sync run has an `update_tag` associated with it, which is the [Unix timestamp of when the sync started](https://github.com/lyft/cartography/blob/8d60311a10156cd8aa16de7e1fe3e109cc3eca0f/cartography/sync.py#L131-L134). See our [docs for more details](../dev/writing-intel-modules.md#handling-cartographys-update_tag). ### Cleanup jobs Each node and relationship created or updated during the sync will have their `lastupdated` field set to the `update_tag`. At the end of a sync run, nodes and relationships with out-of-date `lastupdated` fields are considered stale and will be deleted via a [cleanup job](../dev/writing-intel-modules.md#cleanup). ### Sync frequency To keep data updated, you can run `cartography` as part of a periodic script (cronjobs in Linux, scheduled tasks in Windows). Determine your needs for data freshness and adjust accordingly. ## Observability ### statsd Cartography can be configured to send metrics to a [statsd](https://github.com/statsd/statsd) server. Specify the `--statsd-enabled` flag when running `cartography` for sync execution times to be recorded and sent to `` by default (these options are also configurable with the `--statsd-host` and `--statsd-port` options). You can also provide your own `--statsd-prefix` to make these metrics easier to find in your own environment. ## Docker image A production-ready docker image is available in [GitHub Container Registry](https://github.com/lyft/cartography/pkgs/container/cartography). We recommend that you avoid using the `:latest` tag and instead use the tag or digest associated with your desired release version, e.g. ```bash docker pull ghcr.io/lyft/cartography:0.61.0 ``` This image can then be ran with any of your desired command line flags: ```bash docker run --rm ghcr.io/lyft/cartography:0.61.0 --help ```