## Kandji Schema .. _kandji_schema: ### KandjiTenant Representation of a Kandji Tenant. |Field | Description| |-------|-------------| | id | Kandji Tenant id e.g. "company name"| ### KandjiDevice Representation of a Kandji device. |Field | Description| |-------|-------------| |id | same as device_id| |device_id | Kandji device id| |device_name | The friendly name of the device| |last_check_in | Last time the device checked-in with Kandji| |model | Model of the device| |os_version | OS version running on the device | |platform | Should be Mac for all devices| |serial_number | Serial number of the device| #### Relationships - Kandji devices are enrolled to a Kandji Tenant ``` (KandjiDevice)-[ENROLLED_TO]->(KandjiTenant) ```