## DigitalOcean Schema .. _digitalocean_schema: ### DOAccount Representation of a DigitalOcean [Account](https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#account) object. | Field | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | firstseen | Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | The UUID of the account | | uuid | The UUID of the account (same value as id) | | droplet_limit | Total number of droplets that the account can have at one time | | floating_ip_limit | Total number of floating IPs the account may have | | status | Status of the account | #### Relationships - DOAccount contains DOProjects. ``` (DOAccount)-[RESOURCE]->(DOProjects) ``` ### DOProject Representation of a DigitalOcean [Project](https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#projects) object. | Field | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | firstseen | Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | The unique universal identifier of the project | | account_id | Id of the DOAccount where this project belongs to | | description | The description of the project | | environment | The environment of the project's resources | | is_default | If true, all resources will be added to this project if no project is specified | | name | The human-readable name for the project | | owner_uuid | The unique universal identifier of the project's owner | | created_at | A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the project was created | | updated_at | A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the project was updated | #### Relationships - DOProject has DODroplets as resource. ``` (DOProject)-[RESOURCE]->(DODroplet) ``` ### DODroplet Representation of a DigitalOcean [Droplet](https://developers.digitalocean.com/documentation/v2/#droplets) object. | Field | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | firstseen | Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | A unique identifier for each Droplet instance | | account_id | Id of the DOAccount where this Droplet belongs to | | features | An array of features enabled on this Droplet | | locked | A boolean value indicating whether the Droplet has been locked, preventing actions by users | | image | The slug of the base image used to create the Droplet instance| | ip_address | The v4 external ip address of this Droplet | | ip_v6_address | The v6 external ip address of this Droplet | | kernel | The current kernel image id| | name | The human-readable name set for the Droplet instance | | private_ip_address | The v4 internal ip address of this Droplet | | project_id | Id of the DOProject where this Droplet belongs to | | region | The region that the Droplet instance is deployed in | | size | The current size object describing the Droplet | | status | A status string indicating the state of the Droplet instance.This may be "new", "active", "off", or "archive"| | tags | An array of Tags the Droplet has been tagged with | | volumes | A flat array including the unique identifier for each Block Storage volume attached to the Droplet | | created_at | A time value given in ISO8601 combined date and time format that represents when the Droplet was created | #### Relationships - DODroplet is a resource of a DOProject. ``` (DODroplet)<-[RESOURCE]-(DOProject) ```