## Configuration .. _digitalocean_config: Follow these steps to analyze GitHub repos and other objects with Cartography. 1. Prepare your DigitalOcean credentials. Visit [official docs](https://cloud.digitalocean.com/account/api/tokens) for more up to date info. 1. Login into your DigitalOcean Account 1. Visit Account -> API -> Tokens section 1. Click on `Generate New Token` to create a personal access token 1. Make sure the scope of the token is set to `READ` 1. Populate an environment variable of your choice with the access token generated in the previous step. 1. Call the `cartography` CLI with `--digitalocean-token-env-var YOUR_ENV_VAR_HERE`. 1. `Cartography` will then load your graph with data from the account linked to the token you specified.