## Crxcavtor Schema ### GSuiteUser Placeholder representation of a single G Suite [user object](https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/v1/reference/users). This node is the minimal data necessary to map who has extensions installed until full G Suite data is imported. | Field | Description | |-------|--------------| | firstseen| Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | The user's email address, will change to actual G Suite id in future | | email | The user's email address #### Relationships - GSuiteUsers install ChromeExtensions. ``` (GSuiteUser)-[INSTALLS]->(ChromeExtension) ``` ### ChromeExtension Representation of a CRXcavator Chrome Extension [Report](https://crxcavator.io/apidocs#tag/report). | Field | Description | |-------|--------------| | firstseen| Timestamp of when a sync job first discovered this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | The combined extension name and version e.g. ``"Docs\|1.0"`` | | extension\_id | CRXcavator id for extension. | | version | The versions of the extension in this report | | risk\_total | CRXcavator risk score for the extension | | risk\_metadata | Additional data provided by CRXcavator on the risk score | | risk\_permissions\_score | Sum of the permissions component of the risk score | | risk\_webstore\_score | Sum of the webstore component of the risk score | | risk\_csp\_score | Sum of the CSP component of the risk score | | risk\_optional\_permissions\_score | Sum of the optional permissions component of the risk score | | risk\_extcalls\_score | Sum of the external calls component of the risk score | | risk\_vuln\_score | Sum of the RetireJS vulnerability component of the risk score | | address | Physical address of extension developer | | email | Email address of extension developer | | icon | URL of the extension icon | | crxcavator\_last\_updated | Date the extension was last updated in the webstore | | name | Full name of the extension | | offered\_by | Name of the extension developer | | permissions\_warnings | Concatenated list of permissions warnings for the extension | | privacy\_policy | URL of privacy policy for extension | | rating | Current webstore rating for extension | | rating\_users | How many users have provided a rating for the extension | | short\_description | Summary of what extension does | | size | Size of extension download | | support\_site | URL of developer support site | | users | Webstore count of extension users | | website | Developer URL for extension | | type | Extension categorization | | price | Extension price in webstore if applicable | | report\_link | URL of full extension report on crxcavator.io | #### Relationships - GSuiteUsers install ChromeExtensions. ``` (GSuiteUser)-[INSTALLS]->(ChromeExtension) ```