## BigFix Schema .. _bigfix_schema: ### BigfixComputer Represents a computer tracked by BigFix. | Field | Description | |-------|--------------| | firstseen| Timestamp of when a sync job first created this node | | lastupdated | Timestamp of the last time the node was updated | | id | String. Internal BigFix ID. | | activedirectorypath | Example: CN=my-server-2,CN=Computers,DC=example-corp,DC=net | | agenttype | Example: Native | | agentversion | Version of the BigFix agent. Example: | | averageevaluationcycle | Example: 106 (integer)| | besrelayselectionmethod | Example: Manual | | besrootserver | Example: bigfixroot.example.com (0) | | bios | String value. Example: 06/25/2021 | | computername | Example: my-server-2 | | computertype | Example: Virtual, Physical | | cpu | Example: 2300 MHz Xeon Gold 5218 | | devicetype | Example: Server | | dnsname | Example: my-server-2.example.com | | enrollmentdatetime | The date time this asset was enrolled in BigFix. Example: 2022-04-06T18:54:01-07:00 | | ipaddress | Example: | | ipv6address | Example: fe80:0:0:0:abcd:abcd:abcd:abcd | | islocked | Boolean - whether this asset is locked | | lastreporttime | Last reported datetime of this asset 2023-04-19T15:55:23Z | | locationbyiprange | Example: SF | | loggedonuser | Currently logged on username. Example: , bartsimpson | | macaddress | Example: 00-50-ab-cd-ab-cd | | os | Example: Win2019 10.0.17763.3406 (1809) | | providername | Example: VMware, On Premises | | ram | Example: 16384 MB | | relay | Example: mybigfixrelay.example.com | | remotedesktopisenabled | Boolean - whether remote desktop is enabled | | subnetaddress | Example: | | username | Example: , bartsimpson | #### Relationships - A BigfixComputer is a resource of a BigfixRoot. ``` (:BigfixRoot)-[:RESOURCE]->(:BigfixComputer) ```